Astrology – Tarot Rituals – Exorcism

Astrology – Tarot
Rituals – Exorcism

Are you a victim of unknown diseases, or problems in the body that you have not been able to solve? Do you have emotional problems that torment you and you can not find a solution, have you tried different treatments and seen no results? Have these inconveniences destroyed your life, do your friendships reject you? Is your work a disaster or simply does not find a balance? You feel alone or simply isolate yourself from others, is he a victim of drugs or alcohol & feels constant desires to cry without reason, or has thought about suicide? When you face day-to-day problems that are not handled correctly, it is very easy for spiritual entities to contaminate your body. Thinking negatively makes us attract beings from the Bajo Astral

It is possible that some people feel a degree of envy for you and generate negative attacks by sending spirits to housing and people.

Astrology Combined with Tarot Card Readings


MAR 21-APR 19


APR 20-MAY 20


MAY 21-JUNE 20


JUN 21-JUL 22


JUL 23-AVG 22


AVG 23-SEP 22


SEP 23-OCT 22


OCT 23-NOV 21


NOV 22-DEC 21


DEC 22-JAN 19


JAN 20-FEB 18


FEB 19-MAR 20

BOOK A READINGDiscover Your Life Path

I offer 1 free question to anyone who contacts me. This allows you and me to connect and for you to witness and receive a valuable message from the energies at work in your life. With over 25+ years of experience I can assure you will be amazed like so many others by the helpfulness of the information you will receive.

BOOK A TAROT CARD READINGPast – Present – Future

Tarot card readings generally include details of your past that are effecting you in the present and how the future will look. Knowing what has caused past disasters and current emotional pain can help in guiding you correctly into the future.
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